Published Date

TransGas is notifying shippers of potential curtailments to firm contracted NIT to TEP Service due to upcoming TransGas planned maintenance. During these periods, TransGas will attempt to minimize timing and volumes impacted by this important system maintenance. If any Interruptible NIT to TEP flow is available, it will be offered through the regular process. 

There has been an update since the last notice sent on August 22, 2022. The updates are shown in bold/italics below.

***UPDATED*** Potential Curtailment:
Gas Days September 10, 2022 - September 16, 2022 TransGas Curtailment 

TransGas will be performing maintenance near the Crane Lake border point. Based on current analysis and risks, NIT to TEP Service may be curtailed to a percent of the firm contracted capacity as outlined below.  Note that this curtailment estimate is subject to change.

Dates (Gas Day) All firm NIT to TEP contracts will be curtailed to:
September 10-11 100%*
September 12-16 95%**

* There is no firm capacity restriction.

** TransGas will continue to evaluate daily and will update customers if this number changes.

TransGas will endeavour to keep you updated. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the implications of this notice, please contact:

Alexis Schmidt
Key Account Manager

Tanya Lang
Director, TransGas Customer Service